Northwest Down Syndrome Association – Angela Jarvis Holland

Angela is the Executive Director of the NWDSA which is dedicated to creating and nurturing a loving and inclusive community celebrating every person with a disability including Down syndrome. She also chairs the Sustainable Universal Design for Living and Learning Coalition. Social Entrepreneurship and community organizing for wellness and empowerment have been a passion and career for many years. She and her husband Steven have two sons. Quinn is the composer and public speaker of the family and Daniel, who has Down syndrome is the drummer and computer whiz.  Angela joined the NWDSA board in 2001 and became executive director in 2008. She has collaborated in the development of several innovative programs, including the Reciprocal Learning Community, the All Born (In) conference and the Kindergarten Inclusion Cohort.

“If you  are sufficiently tenacious and interested,
you can accomplish what you want in this world”
Alice Neel , Painter

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