Louis is a gift portrait for my clients daughter and son-in-law, such a cutie!
Louis is a gift portrait for my clients daughter and son-in-law, such a cutie!
Oskar (poodle mix) and Milo (pug) are owned by a brother and sister, living in 2 different suburbs of Chicago. I am happy to have my art in their family!
Weezie the cat was such fun to capture, her portrait is now the artistic centerpiece in her owner’s living room.
He is a special dog and my first Corgie. His portrait traveled all the way to New Jersey, across the US, to gracefully adorn the family’s den.
Assemblage on recycled shutters make a perfect fit for my client’s beach house entry, I can’t wait to see it hung in her house!
I’ve been creating lots of memento art for clients, they make unique gifts to mark life’s milestones ; birthdays, weddings, anniversaries or retirements.
Come visit me at the Buckman Art Show and Sell this weekend. Saturday 10am till 5pm and Sunday 11am till 4pm. There will be great artisans and a percentage of sales goes to support the school’s programs.
Cats have finally found there way into my studio. Here is my tabby looking very serious!
Here she is – such a beauty and fun to work on. Her owner Brenda, is the Development Director for Raphael House in Portland, it serves families suffering from domestic violence. To learn more about the great work they do in our community please go to raphaelhouse.co
I had the honor of creating a portrait of Chase (pictured above) who loved the Oregon Ducks football team and music. I completed the portrait last month for his mother. This portrait is made entirely of paper collage. The finished size of Chase is twenty inches square, but I have a variety of sizes to […]