Meals On Wheels People – Loaves and Fishes Centers – Joan Smith

Serving today as Executive Director of Meals on Wheels People, Loaves & Fishes Centers, Joan has been with the nonprofit, secular agency for more than 30 years. During that time, she has served as a Center Meal Site Manager, Regional Meals Program Manager, Director of Center Operations and Deputy Director, and was named to her current position in 2000.  She brings a wealth of experience and expertise on a broad range of senior issues. Well known among her peers as “the” expert on the subject of senior wellness, Joan has served as president of the Oregon Meals on Wheels Association and on the Board of Directors for two national senior meal programs. She is also a Senior Fellow of the American Leadership Forum.

“I was brought up that girls could do whatever boys do…
I’m sure that type of non-gender-biasing has enabled
me to do what I can… I’m just quietly able
to follow what I believe in”
Maya Lin , Architect

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